Legal Process
& Talent Outsourcing

Managed Services

G4Coastal provides experienced and specialized attorneys, paralegals and additional legal support staff amongst the vast array services and practice areas. Our on-demand talent service is available on a temporary and long-term basis. Each of our legal professionals are picked from top law schools and have experience with numerous legal systems across the globe. 

Which service is a fit for your department?

We will be glad to guide you into the solution that achieves your priorities.

Outsourcing and Managed Services are useful options for companies needing to bolster workforces who are spread thin. There are differences between these two options, however. Although both involve receiving third-party support, determining which can make the difference between your company thriving through crunch times or simply staying afloat.

Quick Terms


Support for narrowly defined business processes, e.g. handling payroll or help desk phonecalls. With outsourcing, managers specify services or needs that can be handled by the third party.

How will these services help you?

Free up employees to focus on more complex or valuable work

Extend sales support

Target new or underserved markets

Support new product and service rollouts

Provide expertise within a specific industry focus.

Some outsource partners can provide access to digital systems and software services while avoiding maintenance fees

Managed Services

A more holistic approach, offering a comprehensive range of services within one or several areas, e.g. Information Tech or Enterprise Resource Planning. Instead of supporting a few business processes, a managed services provider provides end-to-end operational support in the target area.

Our Managed Services Deliverables:

Assess your business’s infrastructure & operations

Identify weak points where performance is suffering

Create a subsequent plan for improvement

Proactively provide methods to increase savings and trouble-shoot problems 

Litigation & Support Services

G4Coastal can get your legal team up to speed faster on the cases that matter most. Here are some of our specialties:


Our project-based consultants can strengthen your position if you’re facing litigation, or optimize your business strategies to maximize productivity and minimize liability.

Legal Research & Analysis

Pre/post litigation, tracking federal or state legislation for corporate compliance, analyzing acts, statutes, legislations, and more.

Legal Transcription

Get to the core of the issues faster with our summarized depositions, testimonies, official court hearings, interrogations, legal briefs, client letters, and more

Project Management

Get expert analysis and recommendations from our experienced professionals in a wide range of legal categories.

Deposition Summary

Our expert summaries will get you and your team to the facts of the matter faster, giving you more time for forming case strategy.

Legal Writing

Clarity, conciseness, and persuasiveness are essential. Our legal professionals draft original documents that make the most of your case strategies.

Case Research

A good strategy relies on understanding every aspect of the case. We help you see every side to formulate the bes approach.

Summarization of Records

Absorb the crucial context of your legal matter fast with our accurate and easy-to-understand record summaries.

Outsourcing and Managed Services

With G4Coastal,
Finding Good Help is Easy

With G4Coastal,
Finding Good Help is Easy

G4Coastal provides experienced and specialized attorneys, paralegals and additional legal support staff amongst the vast array services and practice areas. Our on-demand talent service is available on a temporary and long-term basis. Each of our legal professionals are picked from top law schools and have experience with numerous legal systems across the globe. 

We customize all talent engagements in the following categories to best align with each client’s priorities.  


G4Coastal’s Attorney Talent team is comprised of experienced attorneys which are experienced across many specific practice areas and jurisdictions in the U.S. and abroad. When you give us your list of requirements, we interview and qualify our candidates to assign you with one or a team of attorneys to support your organization. 


These talented individuals are trained to assist attorneys in the delivery of legal services. Paralegals generally are not allowed to offer legal services independently in most jurisdictions. The best paralegals are team players who operate behind the scenes. Our team members utilize their legal and procedural practices combined with organizational and technology skills to deliver value to our clients.

Legal Support Staff

Our team is act as extension of yours. Whether your organization is experiencing bandwidth challenges, requiring subject matter expertise, or simply implementing cost cutting measures without hurting the integrity of a department’s work product, G4Coastal will align you right talent you need to achieve your business goals. 

Litigation and Trial Consultants

Take advantage of our leading talent network to augment your team’s expertise and capabilities. We will work with you to assess, design, implement, and manage solutions tailored to your goals and business objectives. Our experts will grant your organization with informed decision making and actionable metrics and data for litigation, compliance and legal matters.  

Virtual Assistant Services

We provide Virtual Assistant Services to clients across the globe. When employing a physical office assistant, in addition to position’s salary cost, organizations are liable to pay state taxes, Medicare, unemployment insurances and pension plans. Our virtual assistant services obligate our clients to only pay for the hours worked. This helps mitigate staffing overhead and streamline expenses. We can scale up quickly when your need arises. 


If missed calls or client support are costing you customers. G4Coastal’s receptionists will answer your incoming phone calls, 24 hours a day, just as if they were in your office. Our team will also perform other, prequalified office tasks for you. 


Our bookkeeping services are built for a wide variety of organizations to deliver the financial support you need. Our expert team is assisted by powerful bookkeeping software that automatically eliminates common errors.

Invoice Management Assistant

G4Coastal’s Talent team makes outsourcing functions of accounts payables is simpler. Entering PO, non-PO invoices, Email Management, Reconciliation, Travel Expense Processing, Coding Invoices, Vendor Management, and many other Account payables tasks will reduce your overhead and give time back to your higher paid employees to perform the more complex and necessary responsibilities. 

Clerical and Administrative Support

There is no reason your organization should bear the financial burden for many of the lower-level tasks which are necessary to support your business. Let G4Coastal’s talent team work for you, while accommodating the highs and lows of departmental workloads. 

Technical Support

Let G4Coastal’s Technical Talent team support your organization’s IT requirements. This service was developed to detect problems and resolve issues quickly. Our highly skilled IT team will help support your team and improve the way your business operates, including: 

  • Supporting IT Environments
  • Reducing Expenditures
  • Integrating strategic technology plans
  • Providing IT help desks
  • Implementing automation 
  • And more

Contract Specialists

Contract Management Services help free your teams from repetitive administrative tasks, which can represent as much as 30% of their time.

Failure to follow up and manage contracts throughout their life cycle often results in the revenue leakage, increased cost, oversight of deadlines legal & regulatory requirements and other compliance, higher chances of litigation etc.

We Can Accelerate Your Business.

Let us know how we can empower your team, and we’ll reach out with more details.